Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” Two thirds of God’s name is go! GRSM (GoRevival School of Missions) is reviving the go of the gospel.
This session students are busy with classes every morning and hands on mission training every afternoon. Each day the students learn to be missionaries and evangelists. Our leaders take them into the streets, hospitals, and markets to pray for the sick and to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. This week they were able to visit the sick in the hospital, the first time since the pandemic, they have been allowed to do so. The strategy for outreach has to be adaptable because we are not allowed to hold any large public gatherings yet. This is a blessing in disguise because it teaches these new missionaries to be flexible and find a way to share the gospel no matter what. That is a key for success in missions. Each weekend there has been an evangelistic outreach. In the photos shown, students are cooking and packing meals to feed the hungry. Last Saturday, they fed and shared the gospel with 138 homeless people who are living close to the train station.
It is amazing that in 2021, during the height of the pandemic, God blessed the school so much that we were able to start and finish construction of the entire campus in nine months. This includes: 1. Two dormitories 2. The kitchen and dining hall 3. A separate men’s bathroom and shower facility 4. A separate women’s bathroom and shower facility and 5. The worship hall classroom (which was fully completed just before classes began in October). Please take a look at what the Lord has done! Thank you for the generous support. Thirty-six students will graduate from the school on December 10th. The prayer and focus this session has been on various neighboring countries within Asia. Graduates will “Go” into theses nations as missionaries. God willing, Julie and I will be there with them for the next school in Spring of 2022.
Last week I ministered online during a pastors and leaders conference in Asia to 357 attendees. I don’t understand how God does it, but the fire of God fell as I was preaching online. We are currently in Colombia wrapping up the year with evangelistic meetings in Bogota, Llanogrande, and La Ceja. My heart is burning for the lost and for those who have never heard about Jesus to know Him. In praying about 2022, this is what I heard the Lord say, “There shall be a great harvest of souls, a deluge of My spirit, and My blessings shall abound to those who are called by My name”. I believe it and plan to participate. How about you?
Thank you for giving to missions. We are planning for two missions schools, one ministry school, four city-wide evangelistic campaigns, four new church plants, and extended revivals in 2022.
With Thanks and Wishes For A Wonderful Holiday Season,
Charley & Julie