Dear Friends & Family,
Julie and I send you our love today. The following truth is simple yet really powerful.
In Psalms 27:13, David described what his hope and faith looked like when he said: “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”. Have you ever felt like you were going to lose heart? I have. But though I felt like it, I have not done so these past twenty-eight years. Jesus has kept me and He has always brought Julie and I through no matter what was going on in our life or this world. David described this as the land of the living.
There are so many things in the land of the living I don’t understand. In the nations where we have lived and ministered, we have seen darkness, evil, and confusion. At this current time, I really don’t understand what is going on in our nation and much less in the world. But one thing that I have learned and I do understand is that God is good! We have seen His goodness over and over, again and again. So why should now be any different? Well, it’s not. I want you to know that you can see and experience His goodness in the land of your living this summer and for the rest of 2020. We all will, as we continue to simply believe we will.
Though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil. Why? For He, Jesus, is with us. He is good and His goodness and mercy are following us. All the days of our life. All the days include these days. David said, ”I would have lost heart unless I had believed”. David’s simple belief kept him from losing it. Because he believed he would see God’s goodness, he did see God’s goodness. Over and over throughout the course of his life. So we don’t see in order to believe but rather we believe in order to see. Certainly now we all want to see His goodness in the Land of our living. We will, if we continue to believe. Furthermore, He is so good that He is even helping us to believe in His goodness. In 2 Chronicles 5:13, we read about when the people began to declare “the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever”. That God’s tangible presence would come and be so strong that the priests could not even remain standing. As we turn our attention to His goodness and mercy, I believe we will see and experience the same.
Recently, Julie and I were so blessed to be with amazing friends, Karen and Scott Hammack in Canton, Mississippi for a weekend. Julie got to weld for the first time and shoot a handgun. That Sunday, I shared a message about Holy Spirit with a group of their friends and family outside on their upper deck.
I have been given the privilege to minister in some special meetings at the Remnant Church in Longview, Texas towards the end of July. Pastors Rusty and Anna, the staff, and church family have set their hearts to receive whatever the Lord wants to do. I am excited and expecting to see His goodness, His mercy, and His tangible presence among us. Please if the Lord puts it in your heart, will you pray for me and for this meeting. Also, please agree with us in faith as Soul Harvest needs to catch up on finances.
Thank you for standing with us for souls saved and for revival!
Much love,
Charley & Julie

-Sharing with friends in Mississippi on the porch.