His Dynamic Energy

Dear Friends & Family,

Julie and I send you our love. She and Hannah started the year off in Colombia in a fight with killer bees. Yes, African killer bees in Colombia!

Upon arrival, they were swarmed by a colony that took up residence on the eves while the house was vacant in December. Every time a light, fan, or hair dryer was turned on bees swarmed into that area of the house. The house here is anything but airtight. Once Hannah was chased down the driveway. Thank God, Julie only suffered one sting and Hannah zero. An expert was called and the drama was long over by the time I arrived. Perhaps a man of faith can fight bees but those who are led by the Spirit in perfect timing don’t have to. Haha!  

Summer vacation season is starting to wrap up here in Colombia. The church service was well attended Sunday and the people were engaged in praise and worship. Holy Spirit’s presence was beautiful among us. Pastors Agustin and Cara will be married in three weeks. Julie and I are super happy for them. They have given me the honor to officiate their wedding. Julia and Anthony are expecting the arrival of their first baby by the end of the month. Julie will travel to Redding CA, to be with Julia during the birth. I will be ministering here in the church this month as well as at CFNI in Medellin.   

We are preparing for our second school of ministry with our Pastor friend in Asia. It will begin March 4th. In addition to the school, we are making plans to take the students for a 3 day salvation campaign in another town. This is the town where a new church is to be planted. Soul Harvest is partnering with Faith Harvest for this church plant. Our role is providing finances for the first year of the new church. This salvation event has tremendous potential to reach many souls for Jesus. The new believers will have a pastor to disciple them and a church family to call home. Also, I will travel on to another city to conduct a revival meeting.

Please keep us in your prayers for safety and health while here in Colombia and for Julie’s travels to California to help Julia and the new baby. Please agree with us in faith that the budget for Asia will be met. I will write again before leaving for Asia. 

I like the way the Johnson translation states Romans 1:16. It says, “I am confident that the good news will release God’s dynamic energy which makes all persons whole.” For me, to take the good news to Asia is a joy filled privilege. To preach it is of great honor. To witness God release His dynamic energy is indeed glorious. A great and elder evangelist told me the other day,“The Gospel is so glorious that if you attempt to preach it and completely fail even the attempt is glorious”. Whatever we have done to get the good news to one more soul is truly glorious.

Whether our part is praying, or supporting with finances, or going, or encouraging. Whatever we do so that a nation, a people group, a village, a family, or one single person can hear, believe, and be saved is worth it. Together (you and us) we are sharing the good news that releases God’s dynamic power that makes people whole! Thank you for praying for us and for supporting the work financially.

With much love and whole hearted gratitude,

Charley & Julie

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