Seeding a City with the Gospel

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Dear Friends and Family,

Hello from Carmen De Viboral in Antioquia, Colombia. We are working at a feverish pace preparing for the four night Gospel campaign in Carmen that begins April 7th.  This week we are placing 12 large street banners (see above) and 1,000 large posters in strategic areas. Ten days of television commercials and ten days of radio commercials start running on Thursday.  Beginning next Monday 20,000 invitations will be hand delivered along with Gospel literature as our teams hit the streets.

Buses to transport people from poor farming villages will be sent out each day of the campaign.  A chiva bus full of Christian youth will be used for a rolling publicity stunt on Saturday of the campaign.  We are preparing a team of more than seventy workers.  There will be a worship team, team of helps, security team, intercession team, and a ministry team.  We are conducting training workshops this week and next. 

Our heart’s desire is that Jesus Christ be so lifted up in Carmen that all men, women, and children will be drawn to Him.  We pray that Jesus will be seen, heard, and felt in their hearts.  We pray that each one will call upon His wonderful name to be saved and born again into this amazing new life that you and I enjoy everyday.

Please we need your prayers and financial support.  We have stepped out in faith to reach this city of 50,000 souls.  For a little more than $8,700.00 in cost, Carmen will hear about Jesus.  With your help we can do it!


Much love and many thanks,

Charley & Julie

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