Julie and I pray this finds you full of hope and joy today. I am sharing great news from Mexico. The last two weeks here have been one word, “fire”. I want to quickly share with you just a few of the flames that Jesus ignited in the hearts and lives of many. All the glory to the Lord. These two weeks could fill a book.
The first night of the conference at Fire to the Nations in Pachuca, Hidalgo, Holy Spirit fell on the crowd as I stepped up to the podium. I think we must have experienced 45 minutes to an hour in His presence without me preaching and saying very little. No music or praise, just Holy Spirit filling people with joy and anointing. It was so holy and heavenly. It seemed like popping popcorn. Just bathing in the glory and at several points it was a spontaneous combustion of the manifestation of His power with tongues, laughter, and great joy. Pastors from numerous states in Mexico and others attending were wonderfully renewed and so refreshed. At the end, several souls responded to be saved including an entire family. Our God is awesome!
The next night, the Holy Spirit fell on the youth like fire. Many of them went into deep travailing intercession. Some were carried out by their family members and laid in their cars. Afterwards, carried into their homes where they laid on the floor and prayed in the spirit all night. A couple of the guys laid on the floor of the church all night, travailing in prayer until the next morning. A good number of the adults also were baptized in fire. Holy Spirit is real and moving today, glory to God. This is happening everywhere we go now.
The third morning, Holy Spirit fell in the van on the way to the conference. Pastor Jerry and I stumbled into the building and began to impart the anointing during the praise and worship. Muy loco (very crazy). The ushers had to hold us both up. Later, I shared principals and personal testimonies about tithing, sowing, and obeying Holy Spirit when He says to give. Only in two services did we formally receive an offering. Throughout the time of the other services people brought offerings and laid them on the platform. Happy, cheerful, and generous in their giving. For many years we have traveled in Mexico paying our own hotels, meals, airfare, or fuel. Any offering that was received for us, we always gave back to the Pastors. This time, all our expenses were paid and the church blessed us with a big offering. Thank you to Jesus, and Pastors Jerry and Ernie.
The final night of the conference, the Holy Spirit filled the little children in a separate classroom. We could hear them from the main auditorium in travail. It was so holy and powerful. They gave me a report today that this is continuing with the youth. After these meetings, I flew on to Monterey and then drove up to Ciudad Victoria.
On Sunday, at Palabra De Vida church, more than 40 people came forward for salvation and the great majority of the congregation responded for prayer to receive revival fire and anointing. The fire fell on Monday night and a great number responded to receive the grace and a spirit of true intercession. On Tuesday, the Lord did miracles including: Restoring hearing to a lady who was deaf in one ear. Restoring the cornea in the eye of a young man who was left blind by severe injuries suffered in a previous motorcycle accident. He testified and demonstrated his vision during the crusade on Friday night. We live in the days that Jesus does miracles.
I taught the PDV Bible school students a class on, “God’s Love for You” in the mornings. We then trained them in evangelism in the afternoons. The first night of our planned outdoor crusade was rained out. Jesus did a crazy and funny thing the last night. I arrived to find a bingo (“Loteria” in Spanish) game set up and happening 50 feet from our crusade. Instead of fighting it, I preached a message entitled “Jesus bought you the winning bingo card”. It was so crazy. Two women, sitting at the bingo tables, responded to the words of knowledge for healing and were instantly healed. From the mic on our stage, I asked the lady to pause the drawing so I could give the invitation for prayer. One lady, from the bingo table, responded for salvation and received Jesus. My Jesus is so awesome! Pastor Bobby shared later that more than 149 souls were saved during the five nights of crusades with the students. I rejoice with him in this. As always, Pastors Lynn and Bobby showed me great hospitality and treated me like one of their own family. They generously blessed me.
Thank you for sending me to Mexico with the Gospel and Holy Spirit fire. You have blessed us so much and even more all of those who have been saved, filled, and healed these past two weeks. On August 18th, Julie and I will travel to Bulgaria and then on to Serbia for two weeks of revival meetings. We are investing to spark a revival in this region. Afterward, we are going to take a week break somewhere in that part of South Eastern Europe. It’s been quite some time that we have done something just for the two of us with no ministry included.
Afterwards, she will fly back to the States and I will travel on to Nepal for a pastors conference. Through your partnership with Soul Harvest Missions you are feeding, housing, and ministering to 500 plus pastors. God is bringing in every bit and more. He is forever good and so amazing. Thank you.
With great big gratitude and even bigger love for you.
Charley & Julie

Fire Conference In Hidalgo