Encouraging Leaders

Hello from Colombia. Julie, Hannah, and I pray this finds you strong in the Lord, and experiencing His loving kindness, and abundant blessings in your life!  
When springtime comes, God’s creation always speaks to my heart of how Jesus makes all things new. Though my spirit was born again many years ago, my hope and faith has continuing rebirths. Is it not wonderful how our God refills us over and over throughout our life? Not only does He refill us with His anointing to minister to others, but according to Romans 15:13, “He refills us with joy and peace in our believing”. This is a big deal! 
It is a good thing that we get to choose what we believe. Right now in Spring of 2024, I am choosing to believe that: 1. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging bread; 2. I give and it is given back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over; 3. I always have all sufficiency of all things, at all times, and abound to every good work. God has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. I choose to believe that: 1. God gives power to the faint and increases strength in those who have no might; 2. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might; 3. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. I also believe: 1. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power, and a strong mind; 2. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world; 3. In this world there will be tribulation, but I am of good cheer, because Jesus has overcome this world for me; 4. I am more than a conqueror through my God who loves me; 5. I cast all of my cares upon Him because He cares for me; 6. I am rolling my entire burden upon the Lord and He is sustaining me.
Wow, my hope and faith jumped up a couple of notches writing that. The great thing is that you and I know, we can write many more paragraphs like this. Moreover, He watches over His word to perform it and it will not return to Him void, but will accomplish all that He has determined for it to accomplish! Heaven and Earth will pass away but His word and promises to us will remain forever. So, we are on solid ground and good to go no matter what may come.
 It is evident we are in a season that the Lord has our hearts and ministry focused on helping and encouraging pastors. Actually, that is what this month in Colombia is about and what next month and June are about. 

In May, I will be traveling to Asia. To teach, strengthen, and encourage 200 pastors. This conference is a joint effort between my good friend pastor Shan, and our ministry. We are renting a conference center. Pastors will come from the central and southern states of the country. Already, we have reached our capacity with 200 pastors registered. Ninety percent are solo pastors of smaller churches. It will be a power packed three days. We are providing everything to them free of charge. This includes: sleeping accommodations, three meals a day, the teachings, as well as books for them to take home. All a pastor has to do is get themselves there and then we bless he or she with all the aboveWhen we help a pastor, we help an entire church. Please will you pray and agree with us in faith for the needs of this conference to be supplied? Also pray with us for favor with officials, as well as for safety and good health during the entire trip. This nation is 1.4 billion people with the highest number of unreached of any country. It is so important that we encourage and strengthen these pastors.  

Thank you for locking arms and working together with us to expand and sustain the work of God. Not to say we are on his level, but like it was with Paul, the assignment does not end with reaching the lost or planting new churches. It is equally important that we strengthen and fortify churches that have already been established. In doing so, they are empowered to reach even more lost souls and eventually can become churches that multiply into more new churches.

We are grateful to God for you and for your heart to help us. We are praying for you. 

Be Encouraged,

Charley, Julie, & Hannah

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