This Wisdom Key

It is a pure joy to write you as we begin a new year together. I want to share with you what the Lord has dropped in my spirit for the new time and season that we marked on our calendar as 2024.  

God is before and after our calendars and clocks. He lives beyond and outside time as we mark it. Yet He is intimately and intricately involved each moment in our lives. God has not given me a specific prophetic word for 2024 but a Heavenly and simple spiritual wisdom. This came to me this morning. Upon waking up, my heart was singing Psalm 27. The wisdom is found in verse 13: “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed, that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” NKJV. There is grace that is given by Him to simply and intentionally to set our hearts on a heading or a direction everyday, and even moment by moment. It’s not a thing to work up or work at. It is a heart posture to rest in. That direction or attitude of heart is to desire and trust to see His goodness in this land of the living each day. If we do this, we will see His great goodness in simple, unusual, sometimes dynamic, and other times subtle sweet ways. Oh the glory of it. This has always been available, but to the praise of God, He brings it so strong into my conscience this morning.

With this wisdom key, we do see Jesus moving in our lives and in those around us. How can we do this? What is the way? Well, it is so simple. First, I recognize we are still in the land of the living. That all His promises are yes and amen, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is no respecter of persons. He is good and His mercy endures forever. Secondly, that He promises we will see His goodness as long as there is one person left on this planet, with one breath left in their lungs. The key is to let your heart lean into this reality for life in 2024.  

This conciseness will prevail. To see, we must look. Look not with human eyes and worldly understanding, but with heart eyes peering into Jesus’ love for us and His great desire to save, heal, and bless. Oh, He passionately hungers to bring His Goodness to everyone here. Wow! Us yes, but the greatest of it all, is when He uses you or I to truly be His hands of healing and provision. To be His heart of love and kindness to others and His voice of encouragement. Oh how we can and do get to love others and thus is the secret of a life on His level. It is a life worth living. Everyday is so worth it. Can you feel it? Can you see it? Do you know it?

This morning, I woke up to a what’s app text from a Pastor in Asia. He only asks for prayers. War is waging around and at times in his village between the military and the Christian freedom fighters for democracy. Brothers and sisters are dying there. I sent him a western union of funds and words of love and encouragement. In doing so, I saw this was God’s goodness to Him today in the land of the living. I experienced God’s goodness to me so great, in that I can give to someone in such a remote and desperate place. Instantly upon the Spirit’s prompting, in less than a minute, God’s goodness was released through me to him. To his family and to those he is pastoring. In his village the funds we sent, is a month’s wages. A seemingly little thing to us, many times is a game changer for someone else. It’s His goodness, His goodness, oh praise God for His goodness! He is so good.

Whether it is praying for a sick person in the grocery store; helping someone broke-down on the side of the road; giving a helping hand to an elderly person; or blessing a single mom. When we simply to take time to stop and sense Jesus’ heart for another we will see “His goodness in the land of the living.” I feel and sense His presence and grace so strong writing this. I am so excited for you and for us all really.  

There are many plans in the works for the new year. Pastor’s and minister’s conferences in Asia and Colombia. Revival meetings in Mexico and America. Faith Harvest Bible School in Kohima and our first Go Revival Missions School in Colombia. Evangelistic campaigns, outreaches, and other events. Each day between major and intentional ministry endeavors, are the sweet moments of His goodness in the land of the living. I have been experiencing such moments the entire time I’ve been writing you this beautiful morning. I feel His heart of love for you and it is messing me up in a good way.

I love you and Julie loves you. Thank you for how you have helped Soul Harvest Missions. We are blessed to be a blessing and this is the blessing of Abraham that we live in! It’s going to be a year so rich in His love and goodness. We are looking forward to living in it. It is my heart’s deepest cry that you will experience His goodness each day in this 2024 land of the living.  

With all of our hearts and love, 

Charley & Julie

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