Greetings from the nation of Serbia. I am praying for you to receive the grace of God that brings you close to His heart. I’m including myself and everybody in my family in this prayer. Because it’s from this place of closeness to Jesus that the truly good and pure things flow in our hearts. May the resting place of His tangible love be our true home.
Like David said, one day in your house Lord, is better than 1,000 elsewhere. For me that house, is His presence and not a building. So though I’m writing you from Serbia, I’m really writing you from home. His heart of love for me is my home and it’s yours too!
Aaron and I ministered in five different churches before he left Tuesday. I have three more meetings before I leave here. So far, what we have experienced here in different parts of the body of Christ has varied. From our limited exposure, it seems as though there’s tremendous need for teaching and for the move of the spirit. Some of the churches are completely dead. Others do not understand so many of God’s principles and promises.
The nation, as a whole, is almost totally lost in dead religion with maybe only 2% or less having the new birth. There’s so much work here to be done. I’m praying that God will send many laborers who are full of His love, spirit, and word to these people. It appears that the pastors have tried a few programs and religious ideas, but there has never been a great move of God’s spirit. The harvest of the past has been lost. The one that is ripe now is in danger of the same.
The young people here are completely lost and do not have hope for the future. The death rate exceeds the birth rate. The young people are leaving here to find work and a future in other parts of Europe. Everything seems to be in a state of decline, including the body of Christ. The population is sustained by immigration, mostly from Muslim nations. Also, China is buying up the country. God is putting His love for the people here in my heart. Please join me in prayer for the Serbian church and for the lost souls of this nation.
Please know that Julie and I love and appreciate you more than we can communicate in a letter. I hope to write again soon with good news from here and other places.
All the best,
Charley & Julie