
Revival Breakthrough

We are grateful to God that we can write with a brief but extremely good report.  

You may recall that we were invited, spur of the moment, to minister in a denominational church. We did so and Holy Spirit powerfully touched the young adults (ages 18 to 30). Therefore, their pastor invited us to come back for two more nights with this group. Julie returned to the USA but the Lord led me to change my flights and go back to help these guys. What happened next can be described as God answering the prayer of Isaiah 64:1, “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down”.

The Spirit of the Lord moved among us for many more hours each evening. He baptized these guys in fire, the likes of which I have not seen in many years. It was an amazing spectacle of Jesus coming with power and love. After this, Pastor David then asked if I could stay another week and minister to the entire church. My response was, “For sure”. The next thing I knew, he had me preaching to all the women on Wednesday morning. At 10 am, the meeting hall was packed and the Lord wasted no time coming. Wave after wave of His love rolled over us until it was three in the afternoonWhat happened is difficult for me to describe. However the fruit of it is salvation, freedom, healing, hearts revived, and set on fire. The following nights and that Sunday morning the men attended. Along with the youth and women, they were swept into the sea of God’s glory. These meetings went on for five and six hours but not a soul would leave. So much happened so fast. The responses for salvation, and infilling of the Holy Spirit were full, and heartfelt. On Sunday morning during worship, I looked up as Holy Spirit fell on the people in the balcony knocking them off their feet and off the pews. It was an awesome sight. God coming in His tangible glory is a wonderful yet fearful thing.

Pastor David is hungry and thirsty. He so wanted his people to be touched by God. He changed schedules and plans and gave God the opportunity. He honored me with freedom to follow the Lord the best I could. To his pleasant surprise, God touched and filled all twelve deacons but one. Pastor David told me he discovered in these three weeks that, “It is much easier to pastor people that are full of Holy Spirit, because they are happy and satisfied”.  He said, “I’ve been feeding them the word, but there has not been any water or wine of the Spirit for them to drink”. He said, “You know, naturally people can make it for a lot of days without food, but very few days without water. God showed me it is the same with the Spirit”. I will be calling Pastor David next week to see how the move is progressing. 

Thank you for making it possible for us to help this church break through into revival. It’s a worldwide awakening to Jesus. Be encouraged that no spiritually hungry church or person will be left out. Thank God by His grace, we trained thirty-three missions students in one location. In the second, we trained fifty-nine Bible school students. Julie, Pastor Ty Brady, and I had a big time teaching and loving on these guys. 

Today, I am on the final leg of the journey to the U.S.A. I can only praise God for His goodness and awesome grace. Thank you for sending us with the gospel and revival fire to Asia. 

With Much Love,

Charley & Julie


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