Would Jesus Ride a Skateboard?

Hey My Friends,

Julie and I hope your summer was a blast and that you got some R & R.  Do you remember the old WWJD?  My question is would Jesus ride a skateboard?  Well certainly He can.  I mean if you can walk on water then I figure a skateboard is a piece of cake.  But would He?  I don’t know.  Did He only turn the water into wine at the wedding or dance also?   Who knows? 

Would Jesus Christ go to a skate park and love on a bunch of brokenhearted, confused, lost, and hurting teenagers or young adults?  My answer is: definitely yes and I am betting our bottom dollar that He will.  In fact, that is exactly what we and He are going to do on September 11th.  We are His body and when we go He goes.  Not only that, Jesus is going to throw them a party.

Here is what it looks like.  At 11 am everybody gets a chance to sign up and compete in 3 categories. Beginners will start at 1pm, Girls at 3 pm, and Advanced Guys at 5 pm. In between each session we will have 1 hour of live music, give away door prizes to spectators, and have lots of fun.  At 4 pm we will feed everybody (about 500-600 spectators and participants) hot dogs and sodas. At 6 pm our band will play and little kids, from the foundation that one of our community members just started, will break dance.  We will share more about the street kids we are now helping later. Esnaider will give his testimony and Agustin will preach the gospel.

Let me tell you about Esnaider. Esnaider is a skateboarder and plays the drums in our band.  The first time I met him 11 months ago, he had lost the use of his left arm and hand in a skateboarding accident.  After three surgeries, his doctor told him the nerve damage was so bad that he would never regain use of this arm and hand.  He was invited to my house for a worship meeting.  Jesus healed him and within a month he began working in construction. Last December he played the drums for us at a revival meeting we held in Carmen.  Yay God.   

After the invitation for salvation and prayer, the winners will be given new skateboards, wheels, gift certificates, and t-shirts.  Gifts will be given to everybody that participated, but best of all, Jesus is going to give us His heart and a new life to everybody who will take it.  It’s going be fun!  Jesus is happy.  Please pray for us that He gets His full reward.

Thanks for standing with us in prayer for a great harvest of souls.  Your prayers and financial support are the skateboard we ride on every month.  Thanks for sending us to Colombia and to the Rionegro skate park for Jesus.

With much love, 

Charley & Julie


Victory in Victoria

Light Eclipses Darkness Preaching Jesus and Empowering His People Perspective is everything.  After clearing customs in Mexico City and while making the connecting flight to Cd. Victoria Tamaulipas, a federal officer stopped me and asked me where I was traveling to?  “Cd. Victoria” I explained.  With a wrinkled brow and serious tone he responded,“Pero es […]

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Summer Update

Dear Friends & Family, Julie and I hope you are having a great summer.  Remember to have some fun and get some rest.  Things are going really well here in Colombia.  I want to quickly share an update with you. Michelle, Seth, Harper, as well as Agustin, Krizia, and Gracia all obtained their two year […]

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Supernatural Evangelism Equipping

  Dear Friends and Family, Wow! Summer is off to a great start. Here in Colombia we just finished our 3rd week of FIRESTARTERS.  This is a twelve-week supernatural evangelism training and activation program.  Everyone is so excited.  In John 14:12, Jesus says to you and I that the works He did, we will do, […]

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Carmen A City Loved by Jesus!

 Love, Opposition, Miracles, and Salvation Dear Friends and Family, “How they loved us”, is the common report we are hearing back about our teams that were on the streets each day and at the altars each night praying for the sick and sharing salvation. This is very positive and encouraging feedback.  Jesus moving through His […]

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Seeding a City with the Gospel

              Dear Friends and Family, Hello from Carmen De Viboral in Antioquia, Colombia. We are working at a feverish pace preparing for the four night Gospel campaign in Carmen that begins April 7th.  This week we are placing 12 large street banners (see above) and 1,000 large posters in strategic […]

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Restoration & Revival

Wow. How kind and awesome is our Father God?  How blessed are we to have this great God Who loves so unconditionally.  Everyday I am blown away by His love for people.  Knowing how much He loves motivates me like nothing else to reach out and introduce others to Jesus.  Each Sunday now, five to […]

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Amazing Campaign Report

Jesus Christ is still the most influential person on the planet. His resurrection is still the most positive news impacting mankind today. He proved this once again in our first public event here in Rionegro,“Festival de Milagros y Sanidad”. For three nights we proclaimed the virgin birth, life, sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus […]

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Why Antioquia Colombia

Starting our new life and pioneering a new work here is off to a good start. After arriving here, the Lord spoke to my heart in an extremely sobering manner. He said, “I know you are busy getting started as you should be, but I want to tell you why you are here.” I responded “ok”. […]

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Souls & Connections

On three occasions I was blessed with the opportunity to briefly visit with this elderly couple.  They are both 95 and have been married 72 years. Our last conversation started concerning Christmas and the virgin birth. At the end, it was my great honor to pray with them to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and […]

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