Missions School Graduates

My heart is full and I am delighted to write once again with a good report. We graduated 22 students from the School of Missions in Asia. 

After graduation, 10 of them went on a missions trip to a neighboring country. They stepped out in faith ministering to the sick in a number of villages. As they shared their testimonies and the Gospel, Jesus healed several people of injuries and disease. The graduates are so encouraged seeing the people opening their hearts to Jesus and believing in Him to be their Lord and savior. Souls for Jesus is our reward!

I am now here, teaching with my good minister friend in the Bible School. Here we have fifty- five students from many different states. This week I am teaching on the subject of prayer. This is a foundational school and we are hearing great testimonies from the students.

During Wednesday night prayer, one student was healed of a rare disease causing tumors in and around the left knee. He has been battling this for 13 years. Surgery was his only option but he had only a 20% chance of success without amputation. So he continued suffering all this time. Now Jesus has healed him. The tumors are completely gone and he has no pain. He has regained full use of his leg. All glory to Jesus! 

This weekend, I ministered in four revival services at the church. Holy Spirit moved powerfully. First in bringing repentance and then the next night filling people with the joy of the Lord. Last night, more than a hundred were baptized in Holy Spirit fire and deeply interceding at the altar for the lost. After this, God moved in healing and deliverance. It was an awesome and glorious time. I have another week of classes here. As soon as I finish, a driver is taking me to another city for a weekend youth revival. 

After this, I am flying on for further revival/evangelistic meetings. Then I fly home to the U.S.

Thank you so much for sending the good news of Jesus to Asia. Your prayers and giving are helping us to reach the lost, heal the sick, and to train and equip laborers for the harvest. 

With much love and thankful hearts,

Charley & Julie


Julie and I pray that you are well and strong in the Lord. Please let me take a moment to update you on ministry in Asia. Thank you so much for your prayers! Travel has been quite good. Praise God, the pain and problem with the kidney stone was gone by the time I arrived to my final […]

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True Freedom

Julie and I pray that you are well and enjoying the incredible privilege of being in Jesus Christ. My heart is exploding with gratitude that Jesus gave His life on the cross to save and make me a son of God. I want to tell everyone in the world, that God really does see them and loves them. That Jesus can heal […]

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Greetings from beautiful Colombia. I have good stuff to share with you, really quick. I arrived to Bogota and the taxi driver thought I was a really green gringo. He tried to cheat me so bad. I confronted him and paid the correct fair, explaining he lost a really good tip. I shared with him how the word says […]

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Julie and I pray that you’re well and off to a good start in 2022. We have been so busy this first month of the year. I decided to cool my heels this morning and write to you. Do you remember the story in Exodus 3, when God spoke to Moses out of the burning […]

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A New Year

I have so much joy and gratitude in my heart as I sit down to write you. When you open this letter it will be a new year for us all. Calendars are useful for us but God doesn’t need one. He is the same every day and every year. He is loving, good, kind, […]

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Winter Missions & GRSM

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” Two thirds of God’s name is go! GRSM (GoRevival School of Missions) is reviving the go of the gospel. This session students are busy with classes every morning and hands on mission training every afternoon. Each day the students learn to be missionaries and evangelists. […]

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Natural & Spiritual Birth

Julie and I are excited to share with you about new births, both natural and spiritual. Starting with the natural, Seth and Michelle’s 3rd child arrived 1:15 am Sunday, September 26th. Thinking she might arrive early, Julie traveled in to help a week before her due date the 22nd. Being a girl, she arrived late. I was […]

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Renewed Baptism

Julie and I send you our love from Colombia. It’s been a powerful month here. My heart is full and happy to give a report of revival that has broken out. I don’t have an exact count but conservatively more than 90 people of all ages and walks of life have received Jesus as their personal Lord and […]

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An Opportunity For The Gospel

Julie and I send you our greetings and love from Colombia. We hope you are having a great summer. It’s very nice here in the mountains of Colombia this time of year. The temperatures range from the 50s at night into the 70s during the day. Also, there is the least amount of rain in […]

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