Fall Missions In Europe

Happy Fall,

Julie and I thank God for you and your life. We so appreciate your help in the mission work that we are doing. Let me share with you what’s going on this month.

We recently attended the Gateway conference along with the Andrew Wommack minister’s conference during this first week of October. We are soon to be involved in the Regional RMAI meeting in Boise, ID. 

I think that I shared with you how God had spoke to me last December to go to Serbia. connection has been made and God has now opened the door. Mid October, my buddy Aaron Shinn and I will be traveling to Serbia for two weeks of Revival meetings. God has connected us with a network of 21 churches that have been praying and believing for Revival.  

After I finish there, Julie will join me for at least one week. This will be at the time of our 43rd wedding anniversary. I am still believing for the connection and door to open in Amsterdam, which is the other place in Europe he spoke for me to go to this year. 

When we finish in Europe, Julie will return to the U.S. and I will travel on to Asia. Pastor Shan and I will be conducting  a Pastor’s conference. Already, 186 pastors registered. Later I will write you with more detail about this and the other ministry coming up there in the month of November. 

I plan to finish up and be home by December for Julie’s 60th birthday. Three days ago, the Lord spoke to me and said He wanted provide us a home. We have a release in our spirit that the timing is now to believe and receive this blessing. So we believe the ministry will have a project to raise funds at the end of this year for a parsonage. Please put your faith together with us for this long expected blessing. 

This year has been an extremely fruitful year. By God’s grace, this last quarter is going to be abundant in more fruit of salvations and helping others with their calling and ministry.   

Please keep us in your prayers: for abundant health and strength, for the open door in the Netherlands, for wisdom as we minister to other cultures in Asia and Europe, and finally for the miracle of a future permanent home.

He is the God who does the impossible. It came to me the other day that if I am not believing Him to do things that are impossible for us to do, then I am not giving him anything to work with. So I have made the adjustment and we are stepping out in faith to see the more in the ministry and in our lives. I want to challenge you to the same.  

All the best blessings and with much love,

Charley & Julie

Revival Breakthrough

We are grateful to God that we can write with a brief but extremely good report.   You may recall that we were invited, spur of the moment, to minister in a denominational church. We did so and Holy Spirit powerfully touched the young adults (ages 18 to 30). Therefore, their pastor invited us to come […]

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Summer GRSM

Greetings from Asia. Jesus is showing His great love and power here! Please let me share a few exciting examples with you. We started with the Go Revival School of Missions. On the second day, all thirty-three students received the baptism of Holy Spirit and thirty-one received their prayer language. Several students traveled three days by […]

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A One Word Command

Julie and I pray you are doing well and experiencing the wonderful blessings of God in your life. We are soon to be leaving for Asia. We are super excited and happy to have our special friend, Pastor Ty, of the Remnant Church, traveling and ministering with us.  This is the first Go Revival School of Missions (GRSM) in this region. […]

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Taste And See

Hello Friends! Have you ever eaten something so delicious that you just couldn’t wait to share it with somebody else? Well, I believe the Word and it says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” So, I’ve been tasting Him and I’m here to tell you, He is even better than my homemade chocolate […]

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Easter Gospel Crusade

As Easter approaches, Julie and I are thinking of and praying for you. May this Easter be a time that you encounter God’s presence and love in a special tangible way. Our time in Mexico was awesome. We greatly enjoyed seeing all the Crow family and so many old friends at Iglesia Palabra de Vida. […]

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I am so excited, blessed really, to give an update. I am on a midnight flight from Bogota to Dallas, TX. My heart is full and I want to share a little piece of it with you. What has been happening the last four weeks has been much like Jesus with the woman at the well in […]

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On The Road Again

Greetings from Colombia. Julie and I pray that you’re strong in the Lord and living your life for and with our great King Jesus. Years ago, Willie Nelson wrote a song entitled, “On The Road Again”. The repetitive line in the song is, “On the road again, I just can’t wait to get on the road […]

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To Proclaim The Gospel

What a joy we have in Jesus! What a love we have found in our Lord. Julie and I are so blessed and excited for the new year that God has given. Life is a gift and each day precious. 2023 shall be good for you because you are in Jesus Christ and He is in […]

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Autumn Go

Julie and I pray this finds you super blessed and strong in our Lord. Please let me quickly update you on what the Lord has us doing this month. On November 7th, we celebrate 42 years of marriage. Can you believe Julie has put up with me for that long?   On the 15th, I will travel back […]

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