A One Word Command

Julie and I pray you are doing well and experiencing the wonderful blessings of God in your life. We are soon to be leaving for Asia. We are super excited and happy to have our special friend, Pastor Ty, of the Remnant Church, traveling and ministering with us. 

This is the first Go Revival School of Missions (GRSM) in this region. Pastor W. and the team will arrive there 5 days before us. It’s going to be a powerful 40 day activation school. There will be special classes in the morning and evangelism most afternoons. Various times of prayer and worship will happen after breakfast and in the evenings. Special evangelistic events are to be held on weekends. First will be an evangelistic outreach focused toward youth. Then the next week, will be a revival meeting with several churches. The way we train for ministry is not only in the morning classes, but through the hands on ministry each afternoon and the special events.This is a great strategy because not only are we training ministers, but simultaneously reaching people who have never heard the Gospel and in many cases have never even heard the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After finishing with GRSM, we will travel down to another city. There we will teach in Faith Harvest Bible School. When we are finished there, we go onward for revival and evangelistic meetings. I sense that this is a very important trip and that the Lord is going to do some awesome things in our midst. The fruit we are believing for is many souls saved, people healed, new evangelists, missionaries, teachers, and pastors to be trained and equipped. 

This morning, I am remembering Peter seeing Jesus walking on the sea. He said, “Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water”. Then Jesus spoke a one-word command, “Come”. Twenty-four years ago, in July of 1999, Julie and I heard the Lord speak a similar one-word command, “Go”. He is still speaking it. At times, like Peter, I have been  tempted to get my eyes on the adverse winds, become afraid, and to start sinking. Like Peter, I have cried out “Lord save us”. Jesus has done the same for Julie and I, as He did for Peter. He has stretched out His hand and caught us and we did not go under. Thank the Lord we have yet to drown in 24 years! 

Numerous times, God has spoken another one-word command to us, “Give”. Glory to God, a large portion or the entire need of another ministry or individual was met through obeying that word. We have never sunk in doing so, but rather ended up in greater blessing than we thought or imagined. Jesus has financial miracles for us all to walk in.  

In closing, we want to thank you for standing with us in prayer and in faith. We thank God for the beautiful gift of Jesus you are and have been to so many. Your prayers and giving have reached throughout the world.

With Much Love,

Charley & Julie

Taste And See

Hello Friends! Have you ever eaten something so delicious that you just couldn’t wait to share it with somebody else? Well, I believe the Word and it says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” So, I’ve been tasting Him and I’m here to tell you, He is even better than my homemade chocolate […]

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Easter Gospel Crusade

As Easter approaches, Julie and I are thinking of and praying for you. May this Easter be a time that you encounter God’s presence and love in a special tangible way. Our time in Mexico was awesome. We greatly enjoyed seeing all the Crow family and so many old friends at Iglesia Palabra de Vida. […]

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I am so excited, blessed really, to give an update. I am on a midnight flight from Bogota to Dallas, TX. My heart is full and I want to share a little piece of it with you. What has been happening the last four weeks has been much like Jesus with the woman at the well in […]

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On The Road Again

Greetings from Colombia. Julie and I pray that you’re strong in the Lord and living your life for and with our great King Jesus. Years ago, Willie Nelson wrote a song entitled, “On The Road Again”. The repetitive line in the song is, “On the road again, I just can’t wait to get on the road […]

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To Proclaim The Gospel

What a joy we have in Jesus! What a love we have found in our Lord. Julie and I are so blessed and excited for the new year that God has given. Life is a gift and each day precious. 2023 shall be good for you because you are in Jesus Christ and He is in […]

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Autumn Go

Julie and I pray this finds you super blessed and strong in our Lord. Please let me quickly update you on what the Lord has us doing this month. On November 7th, we celebrate 42 years of marriage. Can you believe Julie has put up with me for that long?   On the 15th, I will travel back […]

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A Different World

Julie and I want to send a word of encouragement to you this month! God promises us a different world within this world. We are in this world but not of this world. We are pilgrims or sojourners just passing through on our way to heaven. However, we can have days of heaven upon the […]

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His Praises

Greetings from Colombia. I want to share a great key of blessing and breakthrough with you. Psalms 22:3 teaches us that God inhabits the praises of his people. Our redemption is a finished work but we must appropriate the benefits. This happens through the spiritual law that we could call “the law of fair exchange”. […]

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Times of Revival and Harvest

Julie and I hope you’re enjoying summer and getting some R&R along the way. We are in exciting times of revival and harvest. Please let me share a few travel highlights and what is going on this month. The Asia Bible School is off to a great start. It will finish at the end of September. I […]

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