Julie and I hope this letter finds you well. We have exciting revival news to share. Today I am writing while flying back from India through Seattle to meet Julie at Seth’s. William Finn Elliott arrived last Saturday. Julie has been there since the 15th. She and I will spend a few more days with Seth’s family then back home to Colombia. I am revived and my heart is on fire. The revival in Kohima was deeply powerful. Please let me share a few highlights with you.
The services lasted three weeks, with services Wednesday through Sunday night. Also we had a leaders meeting every Tuesday and Thursday morning. There were intercessory prayer meetings Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings as well as every afternoon before the service. It was the absolute greatest time of my life. Revival is like heaven for me.
We started with about 150 in attendance. The crowds grew every night until the final weekend we had 1,300 plus in the night services. It was almost 90 percent youth and young adults except for the Sunday morning services. Altar calls were full every service with people being born again.One night, more than two hundred were filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues.
There were two outstanding things in these meetings. Firstly, the Lord emphasized and manifested His love to all the people. There was great utterance and inspiration to preach on Jesus, His love, and that of our Father. People were touched deeply throughout every service and were crying, weeping, and sometimes laughing with joy. Many were on the floor having encounters during worship and even during the message. This was an intensely powerful move of Holy Spirit. At times, the large altar area would be totally packed and people halfway up the aisles just weeping before the Lord. The conversions to Christ were truly full and deep. Jesus was at the center and focus each meeting.
Secondly, there was a tremendous move of intercession and fire. This was on a much greater scale than in past revivals where I have led. It reminded me of the floor at the Brownsville revival in the late 90s. As there werehundreds weeping and travailing in prayer for lost souls. Our message was different but the people were baptized in the same kind of fire.My hope and prayer is that these young people will continue to yield to Holy Spirit in prayer and intercession and that this revival will continue.
Twice, while teaching on prayer, the Holy Spirit fell on the people with fire. My teaching instantly stopped and we all began to cry out to God for lost souls. Some of our prayer meetings went on for hours. I believe Jesus made a great deposit and impartation of fire into Faith Harvest Church. It was a true honor for me to go and to help Pastors Shan and Akum.
When we return to Colombia, the plan is to hold two weeks of revival meetings at the end of this month in Yarumal, Antioquia with Pastor Fransisco. Please keep us in your prayers. We believe a new season has arrived and that it is the Lord’s will for me to run with this revival fire to wherever people are hungry and wherever doors might open. Please agree with us in prayer to have a great month financially.