Fall News

“As a young girl growing up on a farm in East TX, with a large globe of the world on my desk, I used to dream of traveling to faraway places on the other side of the planet. Reading books with stories from Kathmandu, Nepal and Europe fueled my passion to experience cultures, foods, and the people of those lands. I didn’t realize then that God’s plan for my life
would include just that.” -Julie

Hello Friends,
Charley and I left the USA in summer and returned in the fall! Our journey included Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Qatar, and Nepal. What a wonderful month. My heart is so full. Let me share.

As you may remember, Charley visited Serbia last year for the first time and connected with Pastor Arnold S. This was my first time to visit Serbia. I must say that God has put such a love in my heart for Arnold, his wife Angela, and their family, as well as Serbia. Pastor Arnold longs to experience revival and the presence of God in his church. The Lord gave him a prophetic word earlier this year and without me knowing that, the Lord also gave me the same word to encourage Arnold with. The same thing happened with Charley. God gave him a word that He’d already given Arnold earlier this year. What a blessing to be able to love on and encourage our brothers and sisters and the body of Christ in Serbia.

In Croatia, our paths crossed with a young believer. He is quite isolated from other believers or a strong church. The Lord gave Charley a word for him upon just meeting him. It shocked this young man. That word from the Lord opened his heart to receive from us and we were able to pray for and encourage him. It was such a divine encounter. God is just so fun!

On to Nepal, this was our second trip to Nepal. Last year we worked with and taught in the Go Revival missions school in Kathmandu. It was such a rich time for me personally because, as mentioned earlier, I’ve dreamed of going there since being a young girl. This year SHM, Charley, and our very dear friend Pastor Shan of Kohima, Nagaland partnered together to put on a pastors conference. There were 471 pastors from 41 districts and remote villages of Nepal in attendance. Some pastors traveled days, walking even to get to where a bus stop was, just to make it. What desperation to hear the word of God and be in His presence. Another cool thing is that we reconnected with some of our students from last year’s Go Revival school who were attending the pastors conference. It was rich to get to hug on them, pray for them, and encourage. I’m not sure what is up, but they call me Mom (as did some from Serbia) haha!

So, it seems that God has filled my heart with His love for His kids all over the world. I’m literally undone by it. To get to go places in the world and hug and love on people that I don’t even know, with a love that is beyond my wildest dreams, is too AMAZING for me articulate. Only God! It was such a powerful and beautiful time in the presence of God. It was beyond amazing to witness men and women of all ages, young and old, from cities to remote villages come together to just meet with God. Pastors were healed, touched, edified, encouraged, and fired up. It was awesome.

We are now back home. In early November, we will head to Colombia for ministry, and from there Charley will travel back to Mexico. He will be ministering in Puebla and working with the evangelism trailer project.

Thanks for your prayers and your sending. Lives are changed forever because of you.

Charley & Julie

Pastors Conference

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