Summer Pastors Conference

Julie and I send our love and greetings. We are happy to share this month with a really good report. 

The Pastors conference in Asia made a great impact on all that attended. We had planned and prepared for two hundred, but at the last moment we were able to accommodate an extra fifty. Seven states were represented. The food we served was excellent and the accommodations were comfortable for them. Thank you for helping us to provide for this. It touched and changed their lives.

We brought in a really great worship team. The presence of the Lord was so beautiful during these worship times and I could just see the pastors being touched and filled up with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. As much as the teaching sessions edified them, these times in the presence of the Lord brought much of God’s love and renewal into their hearts. One thing that blessed me was to see the smiles on their faces and hear their laughter as they were eating and visiting with each other. Some are pastoring in very remote areas, without friends or other ministers close byThey made several days journey by foot, train, and bus to attend. Others are planting churches in areas of high persecution. For them to have the time to see old friends or make new ones was quite special. Being in the midst of other pastors in a joyful and faith filled environment refreshed their souls.   

Shan did a great job teaching on kingdom leadership, using many principles and examples from the life of King Saul, King David, and the life and leadership of Jesus. These teachings empowered the pastors to make changes first at a heart level and gave them a fresh new paradigm to lead from. One thing that we heard again and again, was how this conference was so life giving and life changing. Many said it was so different from other conferences that they had attended. For some, it was their very first conference.

The Lord gave much grace to teach about a life of faith and ministry based on God’s love for us as our Father. I was told that this teaching on the father heart of God was new for them. During a couple of the sessions, the Holy Spirit moved with words of knowledge for physical healing and words of wisdom for direction about church and personal matters.  Also during other sessions, a prophetic word came forth to encourage and strengthen everyone. Thank you for generously giving to help Soul Harvest provide this event free of cost to 250 pastors. 

This month, I will be ministering with Pastors Jerry and Ernie Garcia at Fire for the Nations Conference in Mexico. After we finish there, I will travel on to Ciudad Victoria to teach at the Palabra de Vida Bible Institute with Pastors Bobby and LynnThere we will also conduct an Evangelistic Crusade. 

The Go Revival School of Missions is currently taking place. This session it is not possible for us to teach there, but Soul Harvest has helped to provide for the school.

Thank you for all you have given to help the mission work we are doing. Thank you for praying for us. 

Charley & Julie

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